You can choose the number of posts to display,and the number of texts to write as post summary.
To enable this feature in your blog,all you have to do is add some little scripts.
<script src=""></script>
<script>varnumposts = 10 ; varshowpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = false;var numchars = 100; </script>
<script src="">
Where to add it?
Go to Design >> Page element and select 'Add a gadget'.
Now scroll down to where you see HTML/JAVASCRIPT and select ADD.
Paste the code above there,and SAVE IT.
numposts = 10=>This is the number of recent posts to be shown.You can increase/decrease it as you wish.
showpostdate=false=>Here,you can choose whether to show a post's date or not.To show post date,change false above to true.
showpostsummary=false=>To show post summary,change False to true.
numchars = 100;=>This is the number of texts to show as summary.You can change 100 to any other number.NOTE:This will not function if the showpostsummary above is not changed to TRUE.
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