the difference between a Virus, Trojan, and Worm

 On Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012  

- Technically, a virus infects other files (attached or inserted into it). In general, they infect program files or MS Office documents. From there, you can play, damage, etc. Unlike a worm, do not work as one (except perhaps

infect a particular file).

- This is almost identical to a "real virus", but lives in itself and usually do not infect other files (although it can be replaced). Usually copied using email, networks, disks, etc. Again, these are very similar to a real virus, and can do the same kind of damage.

Trojan Horse
- This type of program does not copy, but do harm to your computer. These types of programs are based on people to move and run. They do it by e-mail. The idea is to make the program think it is something benign such as a screen saver or a joke, was sent to.

the difference between a Virus, Trojan, and Worm 4.5 5 Unknown Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012 Virus - Technically, a virus infects other files (attached or inserted into it). In general, they infect program files or MS Office documen...

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